Tuesday, June 07, 2005

stupid credit cards!

Charge: AMERICAN NASHVILLE1741.80 USD Incl Conversion Fee 60.02
Actual charge in AUD: $2,368.57-

Fuckin' A!

And a bunch of other charges that decided not to go through for 4 days have left me overdrawn on my card by about $50. Arg!!! *violently pissed*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least you are traveling....

7:38 PM  
Blogger seej said...

Fucking conversion fees. Did you know about those? I remember you mentioning them. I sent you a text.

7:59 PM  
Blogger Sue said...

thanks for the comment, anonymous...

CJ, i didn't think it'd be that bad, but yeah i knew it'd do that. it has to convert it to aussi dollars =D

9:00 PM  

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