Personal answering services
Honestly, how high up in the corporate food chain do you have to be to have a message service for your phone. And i don't mean no automatic answering machine. I'm talking about a real life actual person answering the call with "Cary ****'s anserwing service what message would you like to leave?". I had to double take and i asked for the person i was calling, and she's like, this is so and so's answering service, would you like to leave a message?
I left a message, but it was one of the stranges things i've heard.
Oh, and another one for the day was a message on an answering maching where the guy referred to the phone as a dog and bone. Cracked me up. Almost forgot what i had to say in the message
I left a message, but it was one of the stranges things i've heard.
Oh, and another one for the day was a message on an answering maching where the guy referred to the phone as a dog and bone. Cracked me up. Almost forgot what i had to say in the message

"Yeah, uh, you can tell your boss that he's an unwavering COCK and needs to meet and early death. Thanks. Oh, and we can't refund him for his vacation package. The doctor's note that he sent was bogus. Thanks."
*shifty eyes*
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