Recently i've been either the last one in our house awake or home alone when i'm heading to bed. I've always been a little afraid of the dark, not overly mind you. I get more scared of the thought that there's someone in my house.
So when i'm turning out the lights i make sure the light in my room is on and the door is open to light the way...and as i make my way there i usually double check every room to make sure no one's hiding. All the while i generally have my back against the wall. It's quite the performance!
Last night i went through the same moves, got freaked by a noise outside, and i was back against the wall heading towards my room when, OUCH! I stubbed about 3 of my toes on a pile of bricks near the wall...WTF!!??!
Yea, freaking hurt. Lost some nails...not pretty, and it still hurts today. 'bout time we moved those bricks, cause i didn't last night, i was still freaked out. haha
This morning i get into work early because i need to clean up my new desk they moved me to Friday. So there i am, cleaning out all the dust and crap in the keyboard, and it's looking marketly better. About 2 minutes before 9am i come back to my desk to start up the doesn't start, there's an error. I Used It On FRIDAY!!!
So i tell the IT guy, and my supervisor tells me i have to use my old desk/computer for the morning until they fix it. I'm late to log into the Queue, and i have about 1/5th of the material i need to do my job effectively. Fucking whore.
3 hours later, i still don't know if it's fixed. Yeah. I'm over it today.