Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Dreams suck

I step outside my mind’s eye's for a minute
And I look over me like a doctor looking for disease,
For something that could ease the pain
But nothing cures the hurt you, you bring on by yourself...

Sometimes i wake up in the midst of a dream, and i get disturbed by what i see in my minds eye. But no matter how hard i try to wake up or dream something else, it just gets worse. Then i wake up and my morning is horrible just spent remembering what i saw...stupid mind, stupid thoughts.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Some things are better left unsaid

You know those moments in your life that you just wish you didn't hear what someone just said, or you over heard a conversation you meant meant to hear...well, sometimes you just don't repeat these things or confront the person.

Apparently my housemate doesn't think along the same lines as me...

Friday night i was "doing things" in my room, and i thought i was quiet, but it seems i was wrong. Last night my housemate came up to me lastnight, 3 nights after the fact, to tell me that on friday night they could hear me.


Then she goes one further and says i don't have to appologise!!??! Then why the Hell did you have to bring it up? Yea, nothing like feeling awkward in your own home

In other news, my computer works today. However my back is so tense because the height of the desk is lower than my old desk...ugh! I can't put up the information i need to carry out my job because they don't have the special pins to pin intot he cube walls. i have to ask the chick that handles stationary orders. Screw that.

Today is shaping up to be aa shitty day, but i can't complain that much, others have it worse than me...

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Stealth moves, stubbed toes & desk moves, Again

Recently i've been either the last one in our house awake or home alone when i'm heading to bed. I've always been a little afraid of the dark, not overly mind you. I get more scared of the thought that there's someone in my house.

So when i'm turning out the lights i make sure the light in my room is on and the door is open to light the way...and as i make my way there i usually double check every room to make sure no one's hiding. All the while i generally have my back against the wall. It's quite the performance!

Last night i went through the same moves, got freaked by a noise outside, and i was back against the wall heading towards my room when, OUCH! I stubbed about 3 of my toes on a pile of bricks near the wall...WTF!!??!

Yea, freaking hurt. Lost some nails...not pretty, and it still hurts today. 'bout time we moved those bricks, cause i didn't last night, i was still freaked out. haha

This morning i get into work early because i need to clean up my new desk they moved me to Friday. So there i am, cleaning out all the dust and crap in the keyboard, and it's looking marketly better. About 2 minutes before 9am i come back to my desk to start up the computer..it doesn't start, there's an error. I Used It On FRIDAY!!!

So i tell the IT guy, and my supervisor tells me i have to use my old desk/computer for the morning until they fix it. I'm late to log into the Queue, and i have about 1/5th of the material i need to do my job effectively. Fucking whore.

3 hours later, i still don't know if it's fixed. Yeah. I'm over it today.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Straight Vs. Curls

So i tried and tested out the Create your own South park character thing...basic but good for a cheap laugh. But how boring do i look!?? Haha I can never be satisfied with how i look in person, and you best belived i tried every other look possible before deciding on this one. Still looks crap!

So i decided that since i look better with curls in actual life, my character should sport them too...

Not really curls as such, but its as close to them as i could get without looking like an eighties chick!
But anything could be better than the current drab look that is me...

Friday, May 27, 2005

It's slowly becoming a reality

The last two years have pointed towards a move, or at least a visit to the USA. Today, I was finally in the position to go to the travel agent and seriously ask about fares. Not so bad, I came out with a price around $1,799 excluding taxes...Brisbane to Nashville.

Fingers crossed that Monday comes and I can get the time off work, then book my ticket that night!